Snail Robot

After our major exam, we are now left with a lot of activities and plans. 
While for this week, we have this SNAIL ROBOT!!!
It looks sort of cute right?

We made this on Monday, as for Tuesday, Wednesday  (Thursday Thaipusam)  we were learning about C++ programming, which I think I only learned half of what was taught. (feeling bad)
And on this coming Friday, we are going to have a Robot Competition, on programming your robot so that it moves as instructed. Very interesting. But sadly, I have no idea what and how am I going to start. Crap.

This is the short clip that I took last Monday. The snail move along the line.

The theory is based on the reflection of light.
If it is on the black line, the light will not reflect, thus it will move towards right.
It it is on the white surface, then the light will reflect, thus making it move towards left. 
As easy as that. But you will never think of that right? =)