- Wax the ceiling
- Sharpen your teeth
- Clean and polish your belly button
- Water your dog..see if he grows
- Wash a tree
- Give your cat a mohawk
- Boil ice cream
- Run around in a square
- Have your pillow x-rayed
- Give your goldfish a perm
- Write a letter to Plato
- Dial 911 and breathe heavily
- Go to the funeral.. Tell jokes
- Cause a power failure
- Be a monk for a day
- Wear a sweatband to your wedding
- Bend a fluorescent light
- Throw marshmallows against the wall
- Hold an ice cube as long as possible
- Blow up a balloon until it pops
- Balance a pencil on your nose
- Drop your cat off the roof to see if it lands on all four feet
- Unscrew all the light bulbs and rearrange the furniture
- Walk on water
- See how small you can scrunch your face
- Carve you and your girlfriend/boyfriend's initials..in a marshmallow
- Drive the speed limits..in your garage
- Go to McDonald's and pretend you can't speak English
- Draw Venn diagrams..screw them up
- Try to ignite water
- Put your feet behind your head
- Tie bows in everything
- Roll your tongue
- Cross your toes
- Memorize the periodic table
- Collect electrons
- Carpet your ceiling
- Change your name.. daily
- build a house out of toothpicks
- memorize the dictionary
- Wear a salad
- Stand on your head
- Get your dog braces
- Watch your car rust
- Learn to type.. with your toes
- Play with matches
- Listen to painting
- Flirt with an evergreen
- Call London for a cab
- Cheer up a potato
Happy Boring=)
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