First week of second year..

I'm so tired...
Finally the first week of my second year has ended and I feel so tired mentally..
This is because second year seems to be harder than I thought with everything in Japanese and the lecturers assumed that we will understand every tiny bite of thing they said.
Things become worst when the lecturers speak with dialect  from Hokkaido. (because he came form Hokkaido)
They hardly open their mouth when they speak, ending up the words spoken being not so clear. But the tone is loud enough for us to listen. Thus we have to put EXTRA attention during class (struggling to understand what are they saying actually) and extra effort to do revision after class..(hate+lazy)
Things are much worser for the Malays I think..Because we can actually try to guess what are the book trying to tell us by read through the Kanji.. Whereas for the Malays, they have to really STUDY and MEMORIZE the Vocab for Science thingy SERIOUSLY.. 

Do any of the Chinese know what exactly is 'gradient' in Japanese?
傾き (katamuki)
How about 'arrow'??
'X-axis' perhaps?

While for Chemistry, The naming of ions and molecules seems to be the contrary of English's.
And this is just the beginning of Chemistry..
I don't know if I'm able to cope with all this and sit for the exam in less that one year time..

Lastly, Maths.. The lecturer is not bad.. However, his quite 'lengang' attitude frightens me XD
Everything also 面倒くさい (troublesome). So for things that can be dispense, he'll do it straight away..
And we don't even need to stand up to greet him when he enters..

Anyway, I'm lucky to be a Chinese.. At least I don't have to struggle THAT hard..
But still..   I  We can't relax.. *haha*

I have no idea how to end this blog..
So I'll end it this way..

BYE~~! ^^


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