It's been a while since I last blog.. Almost two weeks I think..
It's gonna be my exam starting tomorrow!
But i just can't help it.. After leaving my page for this long..
My hand and mind and heart just can't cooperate with me anymore..
So I have to type and write out what's in my mind now..
Within this period, I've used most of them to do revision, not mentioning those time used to practice for the performances too. (Bon Odori & Inpro)
Bon Odori was held on the 17th of July in Kompleks Sukan Negara in Shah Alam.
And most of us from KTJ UiTM took part in the Guest Performance of Soran Bushi.
The place was so full with humans, until you can't even make a call in that area.
Phone line congestion. Sad...
Here you go.. Group photo.. =) But this is only part of us.....
Performing time! Soran Soran~
Hehe.. me!!
And so yesterday was Inpro which stands for Inter-Program Sport.
Again we went to Sukan Kompleks Negara,
which is also known as Stadiun Matsushita or Stadium Panasonic.
I brought my laptop there.. And we began cam-whoring...
The resolution of my web cam is so low that it hardly got its colour.
Overall, yesterday night was a great one..
Better compared to last year..
And all the show and performances was upgraded by the all the new juniors..
Cheers for them!
And the Head of Inpro said something funny last night..
'I'm very happy that your parents gave birth to you all..'
Just a normal statement, but somehow I just feel funny XD
But all of us cheered for what she said =)
Last but not the least, a photo as the end of this post..
I'll be right back after the exam..
Will be back to SP on Friday night..
Hope to meet up friends when I go back..
Don't hesitate to ask me out! =)
Me and Yang Wei with the 'katana'..
With love..
hai lets add