10 Things (21/6)

Time for 10 things again!
I've been to busy to update 10 Things post every week now.
I have no idea what am I busying with but I can hardly spare time for it. haha!
I have been going out frequently these days.
So there are a lot of gathering pics with sums up my 10 Things for this week.
Well, life would be boring without friends right? =)


We had a clam party with all the foreign students in KNCT.
There are Malaysians, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Ethiopian, and Indonesian. 
Can you guess their nationality? =) 
On the table are around 10 different dishes of clam XD

Left : Breakfast | Right : Lunch
I feel so blissful that my senior prepared these for me during my stay at her place. 
I cannot be more thankful to her! Although it's simple but she had to wake up early to make me these! 
Felt so loved  
 Thank you!!!!

Long time no see friends

Spot the odd thing in this picture!

The Beach
I have been waiting for a year for summer to go to the beach. 
Although I didn't swim but I enjoyed the breeze and the calm effect it gives me.  

Had Thai cuisine at a Thai restaurant nearby our neighbourhood.
I blogged about this place before! You can view it here
They serve decent localised Thai food. Which means no "too spicy" or "too extreme to taste bud" flavours. 
I can't wait to go back to hometown for authentic Thai food!! 

Handmade raccoon crochet phone pouch 

Yam Seng!! (cheers)
 Had a drinking session with the Chinese on the last day of school before summer holiday starts! 

Always love spongy cake that is not too sweet and artificial flavour. 

You are my sunshine
 Do you love sunflower? I'm gonna blog about it soon! =) 
Stay tune!



  1. The Spongey Cake looks really tempting!! *drools* Where to get it?

  2. Hi Lizzie! Welcome to my blog! =)
    The cake is from 不二家 (FUJIYA) at almost every corner in Kantou Japan.
