Travelogue : Macau (part 2 @ Casino Hotels)

If you ask me what is the one thing that impressed me most in Macau, I will, without hesitation tell you it is their hotel that make me struck in awe.   
Our friend took us to visit some of the prestige hotels in the Macau Peninsula on the first night we reached.
I think the hotels here are the most high-class and fancy hotels I've ever seen in my life. 

Grand Emperor Hotel

The must-see in this hotel is the 1kg gold bullion placed underneath the lobby's floor.
I'm still doubt if it's the real gold but what's the purpose of putting there as deco if those are not authentic right? XD

Tourist pose

Closer view

As we walk........... we found more goldSSSsss......
fun fact : there are 78 gold bars altogether



Eventually we only did "hotel-touring" on the first night cause there are just too much to see. 

Grand Lisboa

Doesn't this look similar to the Singapore's durian structure--Esplanade? 

I love their lobby a lot

The blue neon lighted up building is Grand Lisboa

I've never heard of this hotel until I see one over here in Macau.
Wynn is a casino hotel which so far after I checked only available in Las Vegas and Macau. (correct me if I'm wrong!)
Believe it or not this hotel hold more five stars awards than any other casino hotel in the world!
Wynn has Performance Lake with delightful illumination of water, light, colour and fire daily on every 15 minutes time interval.

Chile Red Lobby

Zodiac carved ceiling at the Wynn atrium

Batman car spotted



According to my friend, MGM has this space decorated in different theme every year.
This year's the sea theme, which reminds me a lot of Disneysea Tokyo.

MGM Aurora

Us in the MGM Aurora

You can watch it here. 

I can't decide I like which one more because each hotel has its own unique style and decorations.
It has been an eye opener for me to see that hotel can actually be this luxurious and spacious!
Hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoy visiting them =)

Until next time!