Microblogging on Dayre

Do you realise that I have not blog frequently nowadays? I think my drama addiction has wasted a lot of my free time to blog. Over this past few weeks, I've finished 4 Korean dramas, and 3 seasons of Game of Thrones (5 more episodes until I finish it). Even I feel that I'm wasting my life for it. But I really can't help it. Even heard of something like "once you start you can't stop"? That is happening to me right now. But of course I did go for lectures and hand in my assignments on time. Other than that--------DRAMA time. 

I feel quite sad and sorry that I am so lazy to write a proper and decent long post nowadays. Even 10 Things short post seems to interfere my darling drama time. URGH. 

However recently I have found a new app, DAYRE, an app to blog on mobile devices. This app is more like a combination of Instagram, Twitter (with no character limit of 500), Facebook and Foursquare.

This app offers filters for photo posting too but in my opinion, the filters are just meh.  Besides that, this app also allows posting of status with stickers attach (similar to LINE timeline) but there are only limited variety available but I think they will offer more stickers in the near future.

Anyhow, I just want to tell you guys that I MAY BE microblogging on that platform for a while from now onwards but of course I will not abandon this blog! Just that I'm quite busy on juggling between my research, attending lectures, assignments and outing with mates and drama XD. If you are interested in following me on my probably-updated-daily-microblogging-platform, you may download the app and type sharonphang on the search bar. Otherwise it's fine =)
For those who do not own a blog, you may also start microblogging on Dayre as well which let jot down every happenings around you  like a 24/7 mobile diary.

Hope you have a great week! 